Gennaio 2017

Silvia in Honduras scrive sulla sua pagina

I’m feeling really grateful, this has been the best year of my life… ❤❤

Unfortunately I cannot thank each one of you, neither mention you one by one, but I ‘m sure that you know what you did to make my year the best ever. So THANK YOU ALL!

I would like to mention in particular my Italian family that has always been by my side, that grew the girl I am proud to be, that always supported me even in my most improbable dreams. Thanks to my Honduran family, that make me feel always another daughter, sister, niece ecc. without exception, that loves me and that I love, that is now a part of my life I cannot live without. Thanks to my Italian best friends that support me even on the other side of the world. Thanks to someone who taught me what being strong means, the best example of what a fighter is. Thanks to all the friends I made this year, from all over the world, above all to my best friends here in Honduras. I feel blessed for having met you! Thanks to my Honduran classmates that tolerate me everyday with all my silly questions and everything… Thanks to the lovely Italian girl, that almost half a year ago, gave me the great news about my exchange year, the girl who I still bother with my problems, that I’m really looking forward to meet personally. Thanks to my Italian second family, the Italian exchange students in SPS, that made the last part of the year funnier and a little more weird. My third family. Thanks to all the people working with AFS that helped me making my dream coming true!

Obviously I’m missing many many people, to you all… THANKS FOR MAKING MY YEAR THE BEST! ❤

Hope 2017 will be as happy as 2016…

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